Wednesday, October 15, 2008

From tradgey to?

Where to begin?

There has been an accident and with it horrible consequences and an even worse healing. My son was lit on fire. Life has been really bad for the last 3 weeks.

Family has been put on hold and at home and for us all.

Speaking of family, we have had wonderful help and helping hands. Many shoulders to lean on and even alot of meals made :D I will be forever grateful and hubbled by the love we have recieved.

Through it all we have held strong and my son has been pillar of strength and courage. He's endured 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree burns on 10% of his legs. He's been in numerous amounts of hydro therapy, debridling, skin grafts and dressing changes. There have been copeous amounts of narcotics and lots of healing. Through it all I have been by his side, holding his hand and being patient.

It's not been all fun and games but we have come out(so far, the road is not over by far) with our sense of humour and sense of family.

Sooo...this is where I stop taking myself for granted, my health and my family.

Where it will take me? I'm wishing for big things but I will take babysteps to get there...and always remembering my sons strength, especially when the tough gets going.


Scott McMurtrey said...

This is horrible news! I hope he recovers quickly.